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Minimax Theory and its Applications 05 (2020), No. 2, 305--326
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2020

Hypoelliptic Mean Field Games -- a Case Study

Ermal Feleqi
Dept. of Mathematics, University of Vlora, Vlore 9401, Albania

Diogo Gomes
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, CEMSE Division, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia

Teruo Tada
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, CEMSE Division, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia

We study hypoelliptic mean-field games (MFG) that arise in stochastic control problems of degenerate diffusions. Here, we consider MFGs with quadratic Hamiltonians and prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions. Our main tool is the Hopf-Cole transform that converts the MFG into an eigenvalue problem. We prove the existence of a principal eigenvalue and a positive eigenfunction, which are then used to construct the unique solution to the original MFG.

Keywords: Mean-Field Games, stationary problems, hypoelliptic operator, eigenvalue problems.

MSC: 35H10, 49L25, 91A13.

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