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Minimax Theory and its Applications


Biagio Ricceri

bullet ISSN 2199-1413 (printed edition)
bullet ISSN 2199-1421 (electronic edition)
bullet Founded 2016
bullet Currently published is volume 9 (2024) with 430 pages
bullet Frequency: One volume per year consisting of 2 issues
bullet EUR 220.00 per volume including surface mail shipment.

Subscription Conditions

This international journal is entirely devoted to the mathematical applications of minimax
results, methods and techniques (understood in the broadest and inclusive sense) to topics from
optimization theory, calculus of variations, mathematical programming, game theory, control
theory, convex analysis, functional analysis, nonlinear analysis, non-smooth analysis, set-valued
analysis, variational analysis, probability, statistics and machine learning.

Accordingly, the journal encourages submission of papers dealing with new applications of possibly
classical minimax results rather than with new abstract minimax results of uncertain applicability.

In particular, the scope of the journal includes (but is by no means limited to): minimax
equalities; minimax inequalities; minimax estimation; variational and quasi-variational inequalities;
duality theories; critical points; minimax control problems; Hamilton-Jacobi equations.
Numerical aspects related to minimax theory will also be considered.

All submitted papers are thoroughly peer-reviewed before publication.

The journal is indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt für Mathematik,
Scopus and Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science).

"Minimax Theory and its Applications" adheres to the IMU Recommendations for
Best Practice for Journals.