SSS 01
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Sigma Series in Stochastics
SSS Volume 1
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Sigma Series in Stochastics, Volume 1, 95--116
Heldermann Verlag 2004

Who Is Afraid of Randomness?
Cristian S. Calude
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Randomness - the mark of anxiety, the cause of disarray or misfortune,
the cure for boring repetitiveness, is, like it or not, one of the most
powerful driving forces of life. Is it bad? Is it good? The struggle with
uncertainty and risk caused by natural disasters, market downturns or
terrorism is balanced by the role played by randomness in generating
diversity and innovation, in allowing complicated structures to emerge
through the exploitation of serendipitous accidents. To many minds any
discussion about randomness is purely academic, just another mathematical
or philosophical pedantry. False! Randomness could be a matter of life
or death, as in the case of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a merciless
child-killer. The present paper describes some difficulties regarding the
mathematical modelling of randomness, contrasts silicon-computer generated
pseudorandom bits with quantum-computer "random" bits, succinctly presents
the algorithmic definition of randomness proposed by algorithmic information
theory and the relations between randomness and (logical) incompleteness,
briefly presents some applications of algorithmic randomness in physics and
finishes by advocating "experimental mathematics", a quasi-empirical, more
pragmatic view of mathematics.
