SSS 01
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Sigma Series in Stochastics
SSS Volume 1
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Sigma Series in Stochastics, Volume 1, 73--93
Heldermann Verlag 2004

Reliability of Arguments
Jürg Kohlas
Dept. of Informatics, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland

Inference under uncertainty was an important subject of philosophy
already in the 17th and 18th century and especially in the enlightenment.
Philosophers like Leibniz (1646--1716) and Jakob Bernoulli (1654--1705)
and many others made important contributions to it. The subject has
gained a new actuality in computer science. In the past as today,
probability theory is used to formalize inference under uncertainty.
Probability theory has originally been developed for the
purpose of studying games of chance. Today probability theory
is highly developed, but devoted mainly to the study of random
phenomena. Inference under uncertainty however poses different
problems, not related to chance, but to ignorance. Not
surprisingly, alternative forms of probability like theory of
evidence, probabilistic argumentation systems among others have
evolved today. There are even formalisms for inference under
uncertainty like different forms of non-monotonic logic,
possibility theory and others, which avoid probability altogether.
It is remarkable that the basic ideas underlying the new ways
probability is applied to inference under uncertainty were already
present in the beginnings of probability theory. They were however
eliminated from the main stream of probability theory and surface
again only in very recent developments.
