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Journal of Convex Analysis 27 (2020), No. 1, 003
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2020


The first two numbers of Volume 27 (2020) of the Journal of Convex Analysis are dedicated to Alexander D. Ioffe on the occasion of his 80th birthday. He has been an Associate Editor of the journal right from its foundation in 1994. A. D. Ioffe is the author of more than 150 fundamental mathematical papers. The list of his contributions embraces diverse branches of mathematical analysis like: convex analysis, measurable set-valued mappings, measurable integrands, theory of subdifferentials, critical points/values theory, calculus of variations, optimal control theory, metric regularity. Two actually well-known and well-recognized monographs of him are mainly devoted to the first and last mentioned fields, respectively: "Theory of Extremal Problems" (co-written with V. M. Tikhomirov) and "Variational Analysis of Regular Mappings: Theory and Applications".

The content of these first two numbers of the journal consists in thirty eight articles plus Ioffe's presentation of his mathematical "trajectory". Most of the articles are related to variational analysis in the large sense and they cover all the above branches. The Editors and the Publisher of the Journal of Convex Analysis warmly thank all the authors who contributed to the present issue and all the referees for their review works.

Editors and Publisher of the Journal of Convex Analysis.

[ Fulltext-pdf  (96  KB)].