Großes Bild


Helmut Grunsky. Collected Papers

Edited by Oliver Roth and Stephan Ruscheweyh

530 pages, hard cover, ISBN 3-88538-501-5, EUR 45.00, 2004

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Helmut Grunsky's birthday the Mathematics Department of Wuerzburg University honours this great mathematician with the present edition of his Collected Papers.
The book contains a tabular curriculum vitae of Helmut Grunsky, a list of his publications and all publications in full text.
In a paper of 14 pages
Christian Pommerenke describes Grunsky's work and influence in function theory from the mathematical point of view.
The 20 pages contribution of
Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, entitled "Helmut Grunsky (1904--1986) in the Third Reich: A Mathematician Torn between Conformity and Dissent", is one of the rare documents showing the difficult life of many mathematicians in the years of the Third Reich on the example of Helmut Grunsky. The contribution closes with the facsimile of a letter of Ludwig Bieberbach to Helmut Grunsky, giving a shocking insight into these dark years of recent German history.
