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Journal of Convex Analysis 25 (2018), No. 4, 1159--1182
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2018

Tight SDP Relaxations for a Class of Robust SOS-Convex Polynomial Programs without the Slater Condition

Thai Doan Chuong
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

Vaithilingam Jeyakumar
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

We examine a robust SOS-convex polynomial program under a general class of bounded uncertainty, called intersection ellipsoidal uncertainty, which is described by the intersection of a family of ellipsoids and covers many commonly used uncertainty classes of robust optimization. The class of SOS-convex polynomials is a numerically tractable subclass of convex polynomials and, in particular, contains convex quadratic functions and convex separable polynomials. We present a conical linear program with a coupled sum-of-squares polynomial and linear matrix inequality constraints as its relaxation problem and show that the relaxation problem can equivalently be reformulated as a semidefinite linear program (SDP). Under a mild well-posedness condition, we establish that the so-called SDP relaxation is tight in the sense that the optimal values of the robust SOS-convex polynomial program and its relaxation problem are equal. We also show, under a general regularity condition, that the SDP relaxation is exact in the sense that the relaxation problem not only shares the same optimal value with the robust SOS-convex polynomial program but also attains its optimum, extending the corresponding known results in the robust optimization literature to the general class of intersection ellipsoidal uncertainty.

Keywords: Robust optimization, semi-infinite convex program, convex polynomial, semidefinite linear program, SDP relaxation.

MSC: 49K99, 65K10, 90C29, 90C46

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