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Journal of Convex Analysis

Managing Editors

G. Buttazzo,  L. Thibault,  R. J-B Wets

bullet ISSN 0944-6532 (printed edition)
bullet ISSN 2363-6394 (electronic edition)
bullet Founded 1994
bullet Currently published is volume 32 (2025) with 1300 pages
bulletFrequency: One volume per year consisting of 4 issues
bulletIndexed in the Science Citation Indexes of the ISI
bulletEUR 400.00 per volume including surface mail shipment.

Subscription Conditions

The concern of this international mathematical journal is to disseminate theoretical
knowledge in the field of Convex Analysis and, at the same time, cultivate and
extend its applications. In this sense it publishes research articles touching the areas
of Calculus of Variations, Control Theory, Measure Theory, Functional Analysis,
Differential Equations, Integral Equations, Optimization and Mathematical Programming,
and Mathematical Economics. Of particular interest are topics related to nonsmooth analysis,
generalized differentiability, and set-valued functions.

All submitted papers are thoroughly peer-reviewed before publication.

The journal is indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded, the ISI Alerting Service,
CompuMath Citation Index and Current Contents.