SSAM Vol 7
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Sigma Series in Applied Mathematics -- Volume 7
Enlarged Picture
Rizwan Butt
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra
xiv+520 pages, hard cover, ISBN 978-3-88538-407-6, EUR 68.00, 2008
This book has been written as an introductory and advanced course in
applied linear algebra for mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers,
and other scientists. The intention is to provide a gentle and sympathic
introduction to many of the problems of scientific computing, and the wide
variety of methods used for their solutions. The presentation of each
numerical method is based on the successful teaching methodology of first
providing examples and geometric motivation for a method, and a concise
statement of the steps to carry out the computation. Only then a mathematical
derivation of the process is presented, followed by a discussion of the
more theoretical issues that are relevant to the use and understanding of
the method. To provide maximum teaching flexibility, each chapter and each
section begins with the basic, elementary material, and gradually builds
up to the more advanced material. Many applications of linear systems and
eigenvalue problems are also discussed. It exposes students to theoretical,
applied, and numerical mathematics and has applications in a diverse range
of disciplines.
The practical justification of the methods is presented through computer
examples through the use of MATLAB. This book explains everything one needs
to know to begin using MATLAB to do all these things and more intermediate
and advanced users will find useful information here, especially if they are
making the switch to MATLAB 7.4 from the earlier versions. The book is written
in such a way that it will be very helpful for juniors and seniors in
mathematics, computer science, engineering, and physics.
List of Contents
Prof. Rizwan Butt is an academic staff member and holds the position of an
associated professor at the King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
He received his Ph.D. from the University of Leeds, UK in 1989. He teaches
numerical analysis and applied linear algebra to a wide range of engineering
and science students. He has written two books on numerical analysis on the
undergraduate and graduate level. His research area is optimization and
numerical analysis, in particular Optimal Shape Design Problems and Variational
Inequalities. He has written numerous research articles published in reknown
Mathematical Journals.