
Journal of Lie Theory

Volume 10 (2000)

 Number 1, Number 2 

Number 1

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Zhimin Yan
Invariant Differential Operators and Holomorphic Function Spaces
001--032 [Fulltext-pdf (279 KB)]

T. Watanabe
On an Analog of Hermite's Constant
033--052 [Fulltext-pdf (241 KB)]

P. Ciatti
A Clifford Algebra Approach to Simple Lie Algebras of Real Rank Two. I: the A2 Case
053--080 [Fulltext-pdf (245 KB)]

Min Ho Lee, Hyo Chul Myung
Poisson Liftings of Holomorphic Automorphic Forms on Semisimple Lie Groups
081--092 [Fulltext-pdf (179 KB)]

M. E. B. Bekka, M. Mayer
On Kazhdan's Property (T) and Kazhdan Constants Associated to a Laplacian for SL(3,R)
093--105 [Fulltext-pdf (214 KB)]

K.-H. Neeb, D. Pickrell
Supplements to the Papers Entitled "On a Theorem of S. Banach" and "The Separable Representations of U(H)"
107--109 [Fulltext-pdf (104 KB)]

Genkai Zhang
Berezin Transform on Line Bundles over Bounded Symmetric Domains
111--126 [Fulltext-pdf (213 KB)]

H. Löwe
Noncompact, Almost Simple Groups Operating on Locally Compact, Connected Translation Planes
127--146 [Fulltext-pdf (263 KB)]

H.-R. Fanai
Conjugaison Géodésique des Nilvariétés de Rang Deux
147--155 [Fulltext-pdf (166 KB)]

M. G. Davidson, R. J. Stanke
Ladder Representation Norms for Hermitian Symmetric Groups
157--170 [Fulltext-pdf (219 KB)]

G. A. Margulis, E. B. Vinberg
Some Linear Groups Virtually Having a Free Quotient
171--180 [Fulltext-pdf (155 KB)]

I. Vaisman
Nambu-Lie Groups
181--194 [Fulltext-pdf (197 KB)]

J.-L. Waldspurger
Transformation de Fourier et Endoscopie
195--206 [Fulltext-pdf (179 KB)]

H. Benamor, S. Benayadi
Fitting Decomposition of Casimir Operators of Quadratic Lie Superalgebras
207--212 [Fulltext-pdf (122 KB)]

D. Z. Dokovic
On Minimal Parabolic Subgroups of Exponential Lie Groups
213--220 [Fulltext-pdf (157 KB)]

A. Bouaziz
Une Dualité Entre GR et GC/GR
221--254 [Fulltext-pdf (329 KB)]
Number 2

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V. Lafforgue
A Proof of Property (RD) for Cocompact Lattices of SL(3,R) and SL(3,C)
255--267 [Fulltext-pdf (211 KB)]

D. Joyner
On Finite Dimensional Representations of Non-connected Reductive Groups
269--284 [Fulltext-pdf (207 KB)]

H. Sabourin
Un Exemple de Représentations Unipotentes Associées a une Orbite Nilpotente Non Minimale: le Cas des Orbites de Dimension 10 de so(4,3)
285--310 [Fulltext-pdf (271 KB)]

N. B. Andersen, J. M. Unterberger
Harmonic analysis on SU(n,n)/SL(n,C)´R+*
311--322 [Fulltext-pdf (207 KB)]

E. A. Tevelev
On the Chevalley Restriction Theorem
323--330 [Fulltext-pdf (153 KB)]

V. Dergachev, A. Kirillov
Index of Lie Algebras of Seaweed Type
331--343 [Fulltext-pdf (184 KB)]

I. Arzhantsev
On the Stability of Subgroup Actions on Certain Quasihomogeneous G-Varieties
345--357 [Fulltext-pdf (204 KB)]

M. J. Dupré, J. F. Glazebrook
Infinite Dimensional Manifold Structures on Principal Bundles
359--373 [Fulltext-pdf (205 KB)]

J. D. Lawson, Yongdo Lim
Compactification Structure and Conformal Compressions of Symmetric Cones
375--381 [Fulltext-pdf (144 KB)]

N. Andruskiewitsch, A. Tiraboschi
Lie Quasi-Bialgebras with Quasi-Triangular Decomposition
383--397 [Fulltext-pdf (209 KB)]

D. Arnal, A. Baklouti, J. Ludwig, M. Selmi
Separation of Unitary Representations of Exponential Lie Groups
399--410 [Fulltext-pdf (172 KB)]

F. Schwarz
Canonical Form Transformation of Second Order Differential Equations with Lie Symmetries
411--433 [Fulltext-pdf (225 KB)]

G. Cairns, Gunky Kim
Lie Algebras of Least Cohomology
435--441 [Fulltext-pdf (131 KB)]

M. Stroppel
Embeddings of Almost Homogeneous Heisenberg Groups
443--453 [Fulltext-pdf (178 KB)]

A. Figula
Geodesic Loops
455--461 [Fulltext-pdf (138 KB)]

M. Itoh
Capelli Elements for the Orthogonal Lie Algebras
463--489 [Fulltext-pdf (241 KB)]

D. Z. Dokovic
The Closure Diagrams for Nilpotent Orbits of Real Forms of F4 and G2
491--510 [Fulltext-pdf (208 KB)]