Journal of Lie Theory 35 (2025), No. 1, 037--054 Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2025 Biregular Elements in Radicals of Parabolic Subgroups in GL(n) Aleksandr N. Panov Mechanical and Mathematical Faculty, National Research University, Samara, Russia apanov@list.ru A biregular element in the radical u of the parabolic subgroup P is an element that is regular with respect to the adjoint actions of P and its maximal unipotent subgroup N simultaneously. We present a canonical biregular element in the radical of the parabolic subgroup of GL(n). We construct a system of free generators of the field of AdN-invariants K(u)N. Keywords: Theory of invariants, parabolic subgroups, unipotent subgroup, adjoint orbits, nilpotent matrix. MSC: 17B45, 20G07, 13A50. [ Fulltext-pdf (176 KB)] for subscribers only. |