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Journal of Lie Theory 32 (2022), No. 2, 327--382
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2022

On Extensions, Lie-Poisson Systems, and Dissipation

Ogul Esen
Dept. of Mathematics, Gebze Technical University, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey

Gökhan Özcan
Dept. of Mathematics, Gebze Technical University, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey

Serkan Sütlü
Dept. of Mathematics, Isik University, Sile-Istanbul, Turkey

Lie-Poisson systems on the dual spaces of unified products are studied. Having been equipped with a twisted 2-cocycle term, the extending structure framework allows not only to study the dynamics on 2-cocycle extensions, but also to (de)couple mutually interacting Lie-Poisson systems. On the other hand, symmetric brackets; such as the double bracket, the Cartan-Killing bracket, the Casimir dissipation bracket, and the Hamilton dissipation bracket are worked out in detail. Accordingly, the collective motion of two mutually interacting irreversible dynamics, as well as the mutually interacting metriplectic flows, are obtained. The theoretical results are illustrated in three examples. As an infinite-dimensional physical model, decompositions of the BBGKY hierarchy are presented. As for the finite-dimensional examples, the coupling of two Heisenberg algebras, and the coupling of two copies of $3D$ dynamics are studied.

Keywords: Lie-Poisson equation, metriplectic system, unified product.

MSC: 53D17, 37J37.

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