Journal of Lie Theory 23 (2013), No. 4, 937--952 Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2013 Pre-Lie Algebras in Positive Characteristic Ioannis Dokas Konstantinoupoleos 22, Patras 26441, Greece dokas@ucy.ac.cy In prime characteristic we introduce the notion of restricted pre-Lie algebras. We prove in the pre-Lie context the analogue to Jacobson's theorem for restricted Lie algebras. In particular, we prove that any dendriform algebra over a field of positive characteristic is a restricted pre-Lie algebra. Thus we obtain that Rota-Baxter algebras and quasitriangular algebras are restricted pre-Lie algebras. Moreover, we prove that the free Γ(preLie)-algebra is a restricted pre-Lie algebra, where "preLie" denotes the pre-Lie operad. Finally, we define the notion of restricted enveloping dendriform algebra and we construct a left adjoint functor for the functor (-)p-preLie: Dend --> p-preLie . Keywords: Restricted Lie algebra, dendriform algebra, pre-Lie algebra, algebras with divided powers over an operad. MSC: 17D25, 17B50, 18C15 [ Fulltext-pdf (298 KB)] for subscribers only. |