Journal for Geometry and Graphics 28 (2024), No. 2, 187--194 Copyright by the authors licensed under CC BY SA 4.0 Position Vectors of Developable Surfaces According to the Bishop Frame in E3 Soukaina Ouarab Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Laboratory of LAVETE, Équipe de Mathématiques et Applications, Faculty of Science and Technology, Hassan First University, Settat, Morocco soukaina.ouarab.sma@gmail.com We prove that ruled surfaces generated by the Bishop frame are naturally developable in Euclidean 3-space. Moreover, the position vectors of such surface are investigated for the first time. Keywords: Ruled surface, developable surface, position vector, Bishop frame, Euclidean 3-space. MSC: 53M04; 53A05. [ Fulltext-pdf (430 KB)] |