Journal for Geometry and Graphics 16 (2012), No. 2, 223--234 Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2012 Design of Infinitesimally and Finitely Flexible Origami Based on Reciprocal Figures Tomohiro Tachi Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan tachi@idea.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp This paper investigates novel computational design method for infinitesimally and finitely foldable rigid origami based on solving a first-order folding mode, which can be represented by a reciprocal figure. We derive these graphical conditions from a matrix representation of rigid origami, and extend the conditions to cases when the surface includes holes. We propose an algorithm to obtain forms that satisfy the conditions and an interactive system to freely design infinitesimally foldable forms. We show design examples of shaky polyhedron and origami, and finitely foldable quadrivalent mesh origami. Keywords: Origami, rigid origami, infinitesimal flexibility, shaky polyhedron, reciprocal figure. MSC: 52C25; 52B10, 52B70, 53A17 [ Fulltext-pdf (1293 KB)] for subscribers only. |