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Journal for Geometry and Graphics 09 (2005), No. 2, 169--176
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2005

Experiments on Relations between Geometry, Architecture and Music

Cornelie Leopold
University of Kaiserslautern, Dept. of Architecture, Pfaffenbergstr. 95, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

This paper presents some results of an interdisciplinary project where we brought together geometry, architecture and music. This combination enables a visual and audible approach to the formal thinking of sciences. Geometry has the role of formalization and mediation of the relations between architecture and music. Pythagoras' ideas about harmony and proportion impressed the formation processes in music over many centuries. In architecture Le Corbusier and Xenakis for example stand for corresponding creations in architecture and music compositions. In the interdisciplinary project we worked together with students of architecture and mathematics of the University of Kaiserslautern and with students of music composition of the Music Academy of Cologne in Germany. The theoretical and historical analyses formed the basis for their own creative works in interdisciplinary groups. The results of the students' creative works were presented in a concert with visual presentations and geometrical objects with the title "Sound-Sights. Seeing Music - Hearing Geometry". Some examples of the student projects will give an impression of the interdisciplinary experiments.

Keywords: Interdisciplinary project, geometry, architecture, music, art, proportion, space, sound.

MSC: 00A99; 51N05

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