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Journal for Geometry and Graphics 7 (2003), No. 1, 121--128
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2003

The Modern Education Mode for Engineering Drawing
Zongyi Zuo, Kaiping Feng, Bing Chen
Dept. of Engineering and Computer Graphics, Guangdong University of Technology,
Guangzhou 510090, P. R. China,

After having carried out the Engineering Graphics education reform for
more than six years, we established a total modern teaching mode.
It includes the reform of course contents, teaching methods and other
relative aspects. A series of textbooks on Descriptive Geometry,
Mechanical Drawing and Architecture Drawing have been published.
Every book has a multimedia CD attached, and an Internet multimedia
teaching system has been developed. The reform helps students and teachers
greatly. The teaching qualities have continously been supervised and
controlled, the student's imagination and ability of design and drawing
were greatly improved.
Keywords: graphics education, modern education mode, teaching technology,
multimedia CAI software, VRML teaching system.
MSC: 51N05.
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