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Journal for Geometry and Graphics 7 (2003), No. 1, 075--087
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2003

Characteristics of the Villagers' Drawings on the Village Development in Lao P.D.R.
Junko Komoto
Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osake University, Suita,
Osaka 565-0871, Japan,
Katsuyuki Yoshida
Cybermedia Center, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan,
Satoshi Chikami
Faculty of Social and Information Sciences, Nihon Fukushi University, Handa, Aichi 475-0012, Japan,

Considering the possibility of communicative competence through
pictorial media in implementing actions for rural development, we can
start with looking at the pictures drawn by the villagers in Lao
P.D.R. and comparing the pictures of the present status with those
showing the "future village", then examine the graphic
characteristics of their pictures, the spatial recognition of the
villagers, and the meanings which the pictures indicate.
As the result of analyzing 240 pictures drawn by villagers, the
drawings, which are not influenced by descriptive geometry, include
representations quite different from that descriptive geometry, e.g.,
unrealistic views showing three different sides of a house
As for the contents of the drawings, though the villagers rarely see
any kind of maps, the scaling is well-done in the images of the present
village, and the future images have a tendency to pick up some
particular motifs.
Keywords: Space Recognition, Image Drawing.
MSC: 51N05.
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