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Journal of Convex Analysis 31 (2024), No. 4, 1245--1272
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2024

Compactly Locally Uniformly Convex Functions

Palanikumar Shunmugaraj
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

Constantin Zalinescu
(1) Octav Mayer Institute of Mathematics, Iasi, Romania
(2) Faculty of Mathematics, University "Al. I. Cuza", Iasi, Romania

We introduce compactly locally uniformly convex functions and present their properties, as well as their relations with other classes of convex functions.

Keywords: Locally uniformly convex function, compactly locally uniformly convex function, nearly strongly convex function, locally nearly uniformly convex function, locally nearly uniformly smooth function.

MSC: 26B25, 46G05, 49N15, 58C20; 46B20, 54C50.

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