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Journal of Convex Analysis 31 (2024), No. 4, 1189--1202
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2024

Second-Order Necessary and Sufficient Efficiency Conditions for Nonsmooth Semi-Infinite Multiobjective Optimization Problems

Do Van Luu
Institute of Mathematics and Applied Sciences, Thang Long University, Hanoi, Vietnam

Nguyen Lam Tung
Mathematics Department, Thang Long University, Hanoi, Vietnam

We present second-order necessary and sufficient conditions for weak efficiency of nonsmooth semi-infinite multiobjective programming involving inequality, equality and set constraints in terms of the Páles-Zeidan second-order directional derivatives. Sufficient optimality conditions are established in two cases. They include the case without assumptions on generalized convexity and the case with assumptions on the 2-generalized convexity together with second-order duality theorems of Mond-Weir type.

Keywords: Second-order necessary efficiency conditions, Pales-Zeidan second-order directional derivatives, first and second-order tangent vectors, second-order constraint qualifications, nonsmooth semi-infinite multiobjective optimization problem.

MSC: 90C46, 90C29.

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