Journal of Convex Analysis 29 (2022), No. 4, 1037--1064 Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2022 The Locality Property for Compensated Convex Transforms Maryam Salem Alatawi Department of Mathematics, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia msoalatawi@ut.edu.sa We establish the locality property for compensated convex transforms to functions under various continuity and smoothness. More precisely, we generalise the locality property and the density property for compensated convex transforms obtained recently by K. Zhang, A. Orlando and E. Crooks [Compensated convexity and Hausdorff stable geometric singularity extractions, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 25/4 (2015) 747--801] for bounded functions to functions under various continuity and smoothness assumptions such as Cα, C1,β. We also establish some localised versions of such locality property. Keywords: Convex functions, convex envelope, compensated convex transforms, bounded functions, Cα-functions, C1,β-functions, locality property, density property. MSC: 52A41, 65K10, 26B25, 14J17. [ Fulltext-pdf (344 KB)] for subscribers only. |