Journal of Convex Analysis 29 (2022), No. 3, 755--766 Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2022 Proscribed Normal Decompositions of Euclidean Jordan Algebras Michael Orlitzky Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, U.S.A. michael@orlitzky.com Normal decomposition systems unify many results from convex matrix analysis regarding functions that are invariant with respect to a group of transformations -- particularly those matrix functions that are unitarily-invariant and the affiliated permutation-invariant "spectral functions" that depend only on eigenvalues. Spectral functions extend in a natural way to Euclidean Jordan algebras, and several authors have studied the problem of making a Euclidean Jordan algebra into a normal decomposition system. In particular it is known to be possible with respect to the "eigenvalues of" map when the algebra is essentially-simple. We show the converse, that essential-simplicity is essential to that process. Keywords: Normal decomposition system, Eaton triple, spectral function, group majorization, Euclidean Jordan algebra. MSC: 17C20, 17C30, 17C55, 52A41, 90C25. [ Fulltext-pdf (115 KB)] for subscribers only. |