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Journal of Convex Analysis 28 (2021), No. 2, 569--580
Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2021

Duality Arguments for Linear Elasticity Problems with Incompatible Deformation Fields

Adriana Garroni
Dip. di Matematica "G. Castelnuovo", Sapienza Università, Roma, Italy

Annalisa Malusa
Dip. di Matematica "G. Castelnuovo", Sapienza Università, Roma, Italy

We prove existence and uniqueness for solutions to equilibrium problems for free-standing, traction-free, non homogeneous crystals in the presence of plastic slips. Moreover we prove that this class of problems is closed under G-convergence of the operators. In particular the homogenization procedure, valid for elliptic systems in linear elasticity, depicts the macroscopic features of a composite material in the presence of plastic deformation.

Keywords: Boundary value problems for elliptic systems, elastic problems, duality solutions, homogenization.

MSC: 35D30; 35J58.

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