Journal of Convex Analysis 25 (2018), No. 4, 1197--1221 Copyright Heldermann Verlag 2018 A Convex Decomposition Formula for the Mumford-Shah Functional in Dimension One Marcello Carioni Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Science, Inselstrasse 22, 04103 Leipzig, Germany and: Institut für Mathematik, Universität Würzburg, Emil-Fischer-Str. 40, 97074 Würzburg, Germany marcello.carioni@uni-graz.at We study the convex lift of Mumford-Shah type functionals in the space of rectifiable currents and we prove a convex decomposition formula in dimension one, for finite linear combinations of SBV graphs. We use this result to prove the equivalence between the minimum problems for the Mumford-Shah functional and the lifted one and, as a consequence, we obtain a weak existence result for calibrations in one dimension. Keywords: Mumford-Shah functional, convex lift, rectifiable currents, calibrations. MSC: 49K99, 49Q20, 39B62 [ Fulltext-pdf (167 KB)] for subscribers only. |