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Journal of Lie Theory

Managing Editor
J. Frahm

Aarhus University, Denmark

Deputy Managing Editor
K.-H. Neeb

University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

bullet ISSN 0949-5932
bullet Founded 1991 under the name 'Seminar Sophus Lie' by Karl Heinrich Hofmann
bullet Currently published is volume 35 (2025) with 1000 pages
bullet Frequency: One volume per year consisting of 4 issues
bullet Indexed in the Science Citation Indexes of the ISI
bullet EUR 380.00 per volume including surface mail shipment

Subscription Conditions

Journal of Lie Theory is a journal for speedy publication of information in the following areas:
Lie algebras, Lie groups and groupoids, algebraic groups, and related types of topological
groups such as locally compact and compact groups. Applications to representation theory,
differential geometry, geometric control theory, abstract harmonic analysis, homogeneous
spaces, symmetric spaces, theoretical physics, and quantum groups are considered as well.
The principal subject matter areas according to the Mathematics Subject Classification are:
14Lxx, 17Bxx, 20G, 22Bxx, 22Cxx, 22Dxx, 22Exx, 22X, 43A, 53Cxx, 58H, 81Rxx.

Journal of Lie Theory primarily publishes research articles. Survey articles on a
topical area inside the scope of the journal will also be considered. Only unpublished
material will be accepted after a thorough peer-reviewing procedure, and authors
may not republish their contribution elsewhere.

Journal of Lie Theory adheres to the EMS Code of Practice.